
Endpoints will have to use the following response classes to response back to the client.


This is the base class for all types of responses Yaat offers.

Response(content, status_code=200, headers=None, media_type=None)

  • content - either a string or bytestring
  • status_code - HTTP status code
  • headers - a dictionary of strings
  • media/type - string that represents a type of the content

You do not need to pass content-type and content-length. It will be automatically added to the header.

Status Code

For status_code instead of passing the integer directly you can also pass the value of constants from python http.HTTPStatus.

from http import HTTPStatus

response = Response("Hello World", status=HTTPStatus.OK.value)

read more about http.HTTPStatus

You can set the cookie on the response with set_cookie method.

set_cookie(key, value, max_age=None, expires=None, path="/", domain=None, secure=False, httponly=False, samesite="lax")

  • key - cookie's key.
  • value - cookie's value.
  • max-age - cookie's lifetime in seconds. A negative integer or a value of 0 to discard the cookie.
  • expires - cookie's expiry in seconds.
  • path - specifies the subset of routes to apply cookie.
  • domain - specifies the domain to apply cookie.
  • secure - only send the cookie if connection is made from SSL and HTTPS protocol.
  • httponly - indicates that cookie cannot be accessed from Javascript.
  • samesite - indicates that cookie should not be sent with cross-site requests

read more about HTTP Cookies

  • You can manually expire the cookie using delete_cookie.

delete_cookie(key, path="/", domain=None)

  • key - cookie's key.
  • path - specifies the subset of routes to apply cookie.
  • domain - specifies the domain to apply cookie.

Text Response

Return text/bytes as plain text response.

from yaat.responses import TextResponse

async def index(request):
    return TextResponse("Hello World")

HTML Response

Return text/bytes as HTML response.

from yaat.responses import HTMLResponse

async def index(request):
    return HTMLResponse("<h1>Hello World</h1>")

JSON Response

Return dictionary as application/json encoded response.

from yaat.responses import JSONResponse

async def index(request):
    return JSONResponse({"hello": "world"})

Redirect Response

Return HTTP redirect with 307 status code by default.

from yaat.responses import JSONResponse, TextResponse

async def index(request):
    return TextResponse("Hello World")

async def notfound(request):
    return RedirectResponse("/")

File Response

Asynchronously streams file as response.

FileResponse(path, filename=None, status_code=200, headers=None, media_type=None, method=None)

  • path - filepath.
  • filename - name of the file.
  • status_code - HTTP status code, 200 by default.
  • headers - response headers.
  • media_type - string of media type. If not given, it will be determined by the filepath.
  • method - HTTP method. If Head only entity header describing the body content (such as content-length) will be sent. Body will be empty.

content-length, last-modified and etag will be added automatically to headers.

from yaat.responses import FileResponse

async def index(request):
    return FileResponse("static/logo.png")

Stream Response

It is used to stream a response from Yaat to the client browser. It is good for cases like generating the response that takes too long to process or uses a lot of memory. For example, generating a large CSV reports.

If you are serving a generated file/data that takes too long to respond and will be requested over and over, you may also want to consider running it in the background and save it on server.
After successfully generated the data, you can serve the file as StaticFile.

StreamResponse(content, status_code=200, headers=None, media_type=None)

  • content - sync/async generator method.
  • status_code - HTTP status code, 200 by default.
  • headers - response headers.
  • media_type - string of media type.
from yaat.response import StreamResponse
import asyncio

async def greet(words):
    for word in words:
        yield f"<h1>{word}</h1>"
        await asyncio.sleep(0.5)

async def index(request):
    generator = greet(["Hello", "World"])
    return StreamResponse(generator, media_type="text/plain")

You can also pass a synchrous generator like below.

from yaat.response import StreamResponse
import time

def greet(words):
    for word in words:
        yield f"<h1>{word}</h1>"

async def index(request):
    generator = greet(["Hello", "World"])
    return StreamResponse(generator, media_type="text/plain")