
When an endpoint receives an HTTP request, the router will pass a Request object.

from yaat import Yaat
from yaat.responses import TextResponse

app = Yaat()

async def index(request):
    return TextResponse("Hello World")

The following properties and methods are accessible from Request object.

HTTP Method

  • request.method to access the HTTP method.

request.headers returns Headers dictionary. You can access the individual value just like accessing a dictionary.

headers = request.headers

contentType = headers.get("content-type")
apiToken = headers["api-token"]


request.url returns a string-like object with all components parsed out from the URL.

  • request.url.path
  • request.url.scheme
  • request.url.server
  • request.url.netloc
  • request.url.query
  • request.url.host_header
  • request.url.fragment
  • request.url.is_secure() to check if secure connection.

Query Parameters

request.query_params returns QueryParams dictionary. You can access the individual value like a dictionary.

queries = request.query_params

abc = queries.get("abc")
xyz = queries["xyz"]


request.client returns client's remote address information. The object provides the followings

  • to get the client hostname or ip address.
  • reuqest.port to get the port number client is connecting.

request.cookie returns the cookies in dictionary format.

cookies = request.cookies



Calling request.body() will returns the body data in bytes.

async def index(request):
    body = await request.body()

if you want it parsed as form-data or multipart (i.e. file uploads), you can call request.form() instead.

async def index(request):
    form = await request.form()

You can also parse the body as JSON with request.json()

async def index(request):
    json_data = await request.json()


You can call request.form() to access form data and request files.

When you call the form, you will receive the Form dictionary object. You can access the form data just like a dictionary. If there are duplicate keys inside the form, the values will be grouped into an array.

// Request Data
form_data = {
    abc: 123,
    abc: 456,
    xyz: "Hello World",
json_data = await request.form()

> {"abc": [123, 456], "xyz": "Hello World"}

File Upload

While there is a file inside the form, the file will be translated into Yaat's UploadFile object. It has the following properties and methods..

  • name - filename of the uploaded file.
  • await write(data) - to write str or bytes data to the file.
  • await read(size) - to read int characters/bytes of the file.
  • await seek(offset) - to go to the byte position int of the file.
    • await will be the beginning of the file.
  • await close() - to close the file.

For example, if pdf document is uploaded from the client, you can access it as below.

form = await request.form()

document = form["document"]
filename = document.filename
content = await