
Middleware wraps your application. In Yaat, you can write custom middleware easily by overriding BaseMiddleware class.


  • process_request - run befores HTTP request goes into your application.
  • process_response - run befores HTTP response goes back to client.
  • handle_request - handle HTTP request.
  • handle_websocket - handle WebSocket.

This is how BaseMiddleware handles requests

from yaat.requests import Request
from yaat.responses import Response

class BaseMiddleware:

    async def process_request(self, request: Request):

    async def process_response(self, response: Response):

    async def handle_request(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        await self.process_request(request)
        response = await self.app.handle_request(request)
        await self.process_response(response)
        return response

    async def handle_websocket(self, websocket: WebSocket):
        await self.app.handle_websocket(websocket)


Registering Middleware

You can register with add_middleware method.

app.add_middleware(middleware, *args, **kwargs)

class CustomMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):


You will need to register the middleware in orders. From a bird-eye view, registering middleware will look like this.


Request will first go into Middleware2Middleware1Application.

Response will go out from ApplicationMiddleware1Middleware2.

CORS Middleware

To allow cross-origin requests from browsers, the server need to respond with appropriate CORS headers.

The default behavior is restrictive and you will need to explicitly specify the origins, methods, or headers so that the browser will allow cross-origin contents.

from yaat.middleware import CORSMiddleware

app.add_middleware(CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=[
  • allow_origins - a list of origins allow for cross-origin requests. You can use ["*"] to allow any origin.
  • allow_origin_regex - a regex string to match against origin allow for cross-origin requests. r"http://.*\.com" to allow any domains with .com top-level domain.
  • allow_methods - a list of HTTP methods allow for cross-origin requests. Only GET is allowed by default. Use ["*"] to allow all standard HTTP methods.
  • allow_headers - a list of HTTP request headers allow for cross-origin requests. [] by default and Safelisted Request Headers are always allowed for cross-origin requests.
  • allow_credentials - to indicate cookie to be allowed for cross-origin requests. False by default.
  • expose_headers - to indicate any response headers to be accessible to the browser. [] by default.
  • max_age - set how long (in seconds) to cache CORS responses in the browser. 60 (10 minutes) by default.

CORS middleware handles two type of requests. Preflight requests and simple requests. Read more in details here.

Preflight requests

Any request with HTTP OPTIONS and Access-Control-Request-Method in headers is considered preflight requests. For those requests, the middleware will intercept and respond with appropriate CORS headers. HTTP 200 for success requests and HTTP 400 for invalid requests.

HTTP 200 returns instead of HTTP 204 because some legacy browsers reject CORS requests if 204 is received.
read more about issue

Simple requests

Any request with an Origin in headers. CORS middleware will just pass the request through as normal but will inject appropriate CORS headers to the response.